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Mailing List Operating Procedure

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Section 1 - Overview

(1) To provide operating Procedures for the setting up and use of University of New England Mail Lists.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This operating Procedure applies to all users granted access to or making use of University of New England Mail Lists.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Officially Supported Mail Lists

(3) Two University-wide Mail Lists are officially supported by the University. These lists are named "une-official" and "une-events".

(4) Four student mail lists are officially supported by the University. These are named "prospective", "undergraduates" "postgraduates-coursework" and "postgraduates research".

(5) Membership of these lists is available to the University Community as set out in this operating procedure.

(6) Non-members of the University Community who are authorised to be Mail List members are listed in Appendix A. This list may be altered at any time with the approval of the Chief Information Officer.

(7) Other non-members of the University community may make written application for membership of these lists. Applications must outline the reasons access to the Mail List is required. The application must be approved by the Chief Information Officer or nominee.

General Mail Lists

(8) In addition to the above lists, Mail Lists for other uses may be requested by members of the University community.

(9) The creation of new Mail Lists requires the approval of the Chief Information Officer or nominee.

(10) Mail Lists must be used for the purposes carrying out of the business of the University (e.g. teaching, research, administration) or the communicating of community, cultural, special interest and sporting information to the University community).

Control of and Rights to use Mail Lists

(11) The technical infrastructure required to operate University Mail Lists is set-up and maintained by TDS.

(12) Each list must have a List Owner. The List Owner is responsible for managing their Mail List and ensuring that the Mail List is used in accordance with this operating procedure and associated policies, rules and regulations.

(13) Users / Posters must comply with this operating procedure and associated policies, rules and regulations.

(14) Where a user or list owner does not fully comply, investigation and penalty processes as outlined in the Rules for Computing Use apply.

(15) The University reserves the right to refuse membership to any Mail List.

(16) The University reserves the right to moderate any Mail List and remove any mail that it considers inappropriate for that Mail List.

(17) The University reserves the right to limit or restrict access to any Mail List and/or change the administrator of a Mail List.

(18) The University accepts no responsibility for any immediate or consequential damage or loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of University Mail Lists.

Mail List "une-official"

(19) Purpose: To provide essential information to all staff of the University.

(20) List Owner: Technology and Digital Services

(21) Membership: All staff of the University. Membership is compulsory. Additional members may be approved by the Chief Information Officer or nominee.

(22) Status: Not Moderated

(23) Authority to post: Senior Executive of the University.

(24) Records Management: The University's Records, Policy and Governance Unit will retain a copy of all items posted on this list.

(25) Users without email access: In areas where staff do not have email access copies of une-official emails should be circulated in printed form.

Mail Lists "prospective", "undergraduates", "postgraduates-research" and "postgraduates-coursework"

(26) Purpose: To provide essential information to all Students of the University.

(27) List Owner: Technology and Digital Services

(28) Membership: All prospective Students (Students that have an offer to study at UNE but are not yet enrolled) for All currently enrolled undergraduate Students of the University for All currently enrolled postgraduate coursework Students for is compulsory. All currently enrolled postgraduate research Students for Additional members may be approved by the Chief Information Officer or nominee.

(29) Umbrella lists: Additional mailing lists including all four lists and including the two postgraduate lists are also available.

(30) Status: Not moderated

(31) Authority to post: Senior Executive of the University and staff with delegated authority of a Senior Executive.

Mail List "une-events"

(32) Purpose: To inform the University community of University and community events. This list is for announcements and notifications of matters that are relevant, or may be of wide general interest, to the university community. Matter posted to this list may be of a community, cultural or charitable nature.

(33) List Owner: Technology and Digital Services

(34) Membership: All members of the University community. Membership is optional. Non-University community members may be approved by the Chief Information Officer or nominee.

(35) Status: Not Moderated

(36) Authority to post: All subscribers to this mail list.

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Section 4 - Definitions

For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply.

(37) ICT Systems: Information and Communication Technology facilities and services provided by the University of New England.

(38) Mail List: An electronic mail list hosted on a server.

(39) University Community: Staff and enrolled students and approved affiliates of the University of New England.