(1) UNE uses both printed mail and electronic communication channels as official communication mechanisms to communicate official notes to staff and students. Depending on the nature of the notice and at the discretion of the originator of the notice, one or both mechanisms may be used; whenever possible, preference will be given to electronic communication. (2) This policy applies to staff, student and affiliates of the University of New England. (3) UNE will use electronic communication channels (such as email, SMS, a UNE portal or websites) as official communication mechanisms and will use them to communicate with staff members and students about administrative matters. (4) All current staff members and enrolled students are provided with an email account, which must be activated as soon as possible after the beginning of employment (staff) or enrolment (students). (5) Students and staff members must check their email account at a minimum weekly to be informed of information that UNE is communicating to them. (6) Students may choose to forward their UNE email to another internet service provider. It is the student's responsibility to keep their email forwarding details up to date. (7) When the University initiates contact with students and staff members by email, the University will use the UNE email address. (8) When a student initiates contact with the University, the University prefers use of the UNE email address. If, however, students contact the University from an email address other than their UNE address, wherever practically possible UNE will use the non-UNE address for its reply. (9) When communicating with staff members by paper mail, the University will use either the internal department address or the current mailing address provided by the staff member. (10) When communicating with students by printed mail, the University will use the currently mailing address provided by the student. (11) It is the responsibility of staff members and students to keep their mailing address details up to date and inform UNE of any changes. (12) Under special circumstances alternative contact mechanisms may be arranged where student or staff members are unable to receive either electronic or printed communications. (13) Students wishing to arrange alternative contact mechanisms must notify Student Administration. Staff members wishing to arrange alternative contact mechanisms must notify Human Resources. Both staff and students must follow the process outlined in the Communication Guidelines (above). (14) UNE — University of New England (15) Official Communication — Any communication between the University and its staff or students on matters relating to the relationship between the University and its staff members or students. Examples include but are not limited to correspondence regarding admissions, enrolment, examinations, fees, financial matters, results or timetabling for students or policy matters or employment conditions for staff.Communication Procedure
Section 1 - Overview
Official Communication Mechanisms
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Procedures
Electronic Communication
Printed Mail
Section 4 - Definitions:
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