(1) The Academic Portfolio Executive Committee (APEC) is a central management advisory committee of the University, with key objectives to: (2) The Academic Portfolio Executive Committee (APEC) membership shall comprise: (3) In attendance: (4) By invitation: (5) The functions of the Academic Portfolio Executive Committee are as follows: (6) Academic Programs: (7) Institutional benchmarks and quality standards: (8) Partnerships, commercial activities and innovation in practice: (9) Monitor overall portfolio (10) Monitor academic workload and performance and implementation of programs and academic teams to support academic talent development, scholarship and success; (11) Monitor contribution, welfare, resourcing and experience/efficacy of emeritus professors, adjunct appointments and volunteers within the academic portfolio; (12) Monitor the competitive market positioning and resource management of UNE’s overall Course Profile including: (13) Monitor academic portfolio partner and commercial activity establishment and performance (14) Monitor establishment and performance of external academic partner arrangements, and commercial activities considering at outset and at least annually thereafter: (15) Monitor sector learnings and developments as well as academic integrity issues, trends and emerging risks; (16) Oversee and monitor the key activities funded by the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program, reporting six monthly on performance and impact. (17) Monitor Academic Transitions, Programs and Skills Programs including UNE Retention program. (18) The Committee will meet monthly. Flying minutes (or circular resolutions) may be used for urgent matters. (19) A simple majority of the membership of the Committee will constitute a quorum. (20) Members will be required to consider and disclose potential conflicts of interest and may be required on resolution by the Committee to absent themselves from specific discussions and or business papers. (21) The Chair of the Academic Program Executive Portfolio Committee or nominated delegate will (22) Course Profile – Management of the overall composition and profile of the universities course offerings to ensure overall TEQSA compliance, academic integrity, and control or treatment of risk. This includes management of course rules, learning objectives and outcomes, course organisation and design (including formative learning, assessments, WIL, learning support and staff expertise). (23) Academic matters - All matters pertaining to learning, teaching and education services, programs and courses,including course and unit profile, academic quality and integrity, academic partnerships and collaborations, student retention and enrolment figures. (24) Academic Portfolio Matters refers to the planning, resourcing and prioritising of the University’s academic programs and offerings, consideration of academic risk and compliance obligations and of academic integrity and quality. Note that academic quality matters are subject to review and/or approval via Academic Board and Committees. (25) Academic partner arrangements – In the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015 (HESF Framework), a ‘third-party arrangement’ (TPA) is referred to as ‘delivery with other parties’. A TPA means an arrangement made by a registered provider with another party (in Australia or overseas) to deliver some or all of a higher education course that leads to the award of an Australian regulated higher education qualification. (26) Academic Quality – is defined by TEQSA as a demonstration or verification that a desired level of quality of an academic activity has or is likely to be obtained or sustained. Academic activities in this context include teaching, learning, scholarship, research and research training for higher degree research students. (27) International Course Profile – Management of the course offerings to international students.Terms of Reference (Vice-Chancellor Approved) Academic Portfolio Executive Committee
Section 1 - Objective
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Section 2 - Membership
Top of PageSection 3 - Terms of Reference
Advisory functions:
Note: Proposed changes or issues with Institutional benchmarks and quality standards matters will be reported by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor or delegate to the Academic Board and Senior Executive and Vice-Chancellor and CEO for approval or monitoring as appropriate (consistent with delegations).
Note: Proposed partnerships, commercial activities and innovations will be reported by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor or delegate to the Academic Board and Senior Executive and Vice-Chancellor and CEO for approval or monitoring as appropriate (consistent with delegations and commercial activities guidelines).
Monitoring functions:
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Note: Initiatives and programs supported by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and or Vice-Chancellor and CEO as appropriate (consistent with delegations) are to be referred to Academic Board and relevant governance committees for approval.