(1) This Policy is made under the Graduation Rule and provides guidance for (2) This Policy applies to all (3) This Policy does not apply to Honorary awards. Please refer to the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (4) Within this Policy: (5) Responsibility for updating a (6) Prior to each graduation ceremony, and at the end of Trimester 3, Director, Research Services (or delegate) will provide a list of (7) For quality assurance purposes Student Journey then submits to Research Services and (8) Student Journey will update each (9) (10) Prior to each graduation ceremony, and at the end of Trimester 3 the Executive Principal Student Journey provides the Deputy Vice-Chancellor a list of coursework (11) Any changes to the lists before conferral must be reported to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research with an explanation for the change. (12) The Executive Principal Student Journey, or delegate, combines the proposed graduation lists into one consolidated final list for the purpose of creating the graduation ceremony program. (13) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research certify on the Conferral Certification Form that the (14) To assist statutory or professional registration of a (15) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research are authorised: (16) As soon as practicable, the Executive Principal Student Journey, will provide to the University Secretary (or delegate) the confirmed list of (17) (18) (19) Higher Degree Research Students wishing to (20) (21) All names of (22) The University provides (23) The lead responsibility for the preparation for, and conduct of, graduation ceremonies lies with the Graduation Officer, Student Journey, subject to the authority of the Council. The responsibility for coordinating the involvement of the Council lies with the University Secretary on behalf of the Chancellor. These are summarised as follows: (24) In the event of bad weather, the decision to move the ceremony into an indoor venue will be made by the Executive Principal Student Journey(or delegate) by 8am on the date of the ceremony. The Executive Principal Student Journey (or delegate) may limit the number of guests who accompany a (25) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (or delegate) will convene a graduation steering group approximately 6 weeks out from the event to monitor progress of graduation ceremony preparations. (26) A post-graduation event meeting will be held to review any issues or positive experiences to inform preparations for the next graduation event, and final report and any recommendations reported to the Academic Portfolio Executive Committee. (27) Records relating to any action or decision made under this Policy must be recorded in accordance with the University Records Management Rule. (28) The Rule/Policy Administrators, the Director Governance and University Secretary, pursuant to the University's Graduation Rule makes this Policy. (29) (30) This Policy operates as and from the (31) Previous procedures and polices relating to Graduation are replaced and have no further operation from the (32) Graduation Event Provider - Means the internal UNE team leader appointed or an external contracted provider of graduation event origination who is tasked with detailed planning, coordination and the implementation of the event on the day of the graduation ceremony. (33) Graduation Officer – Means the person assigned to the role of coordinating all activities related to the graduation process. This will normally be the Executive Principal Student Journey, or delegate. (34) Graduation Policy
Section 1 - Overview and Scope
Part A - Confirming Eligibility to Graduate
Compilation of Graduation Lists
Higher Degree by Research Awards
All other awards
Approval of Graduation List
Reporting to Council
Part B - Part B Graduation Ceremonies
Lead Responsibilities for Ceremonies
Confirm Graduation conferral date with Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer’s Office, arrange academic regalia and print citations for honorary award recipients for inclusion with
DGUS (or delegate)
Indoor Ceremonies
Quality Assurance
Authority and Compliance
View Current
This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
Confirm schedule of graduation dates
Graduation Officer, who advises Graduation Event Provider
Make venue booking
Graduation Officer, and advise Graduation Event Provider
Order Testamur stationery
Graduation Officer
Arrange graduation meeting
Graduation Officer, on behalf of Graduation Event Provider and in accordance with Graduation Event Operating Procedures
Prepare potential Graduand lists
Student Journey
Identify New England Award recipients and script, check and print certificates. Advise Graduation Coordinator of recipients.
Student Engagement Team, Student Journey
Script, check and print testamurs
Graduation Team — Student Journey
Placing of University Seal on testamurs
Graduation Team — Student Journey
Arrange selection of medal winners
Executive Principal Student Journey — University Medals Committee
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research – For higher degree Research Students - Graduate Research Committee
Advise medal winners of their awards
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (with support from Executive Principal Student Journey)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research (for higher degree by Research medals)
Prepare medals
Graduation Team — Student Journey
The Venue:
Confirm venue booking and stage set-up — Booloominbah lawn and indoor ceremony venue
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Arrange Graduand seating
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Arrange stage seating and layout
Graduation Officer, liaising with the Graduation Event Provider
Arrange robing room for Academic and Staff Procession
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Arrange robing room for Chancellor's Procession
Graduation Officer in liaison with DGUS (or delegate), and the Graduation Event Provider
Arrange for audio equipment including sound check prior to the ceremony commencing
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Arrange for off stage VIP seating
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer’s Office and Corporate Communications and Events
Arrange for parking facilities
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider, Estate and Built Environment (EBE) Vice-Chancellor’s Office and Corporate Communications and Events
Issue invitation to staff on une-official to participate in the Academic and Staff Procession
Graduation Officer, through Deputy Vice-Chancellor (invitation from DVC)
Issue invitations to official guests of on behalf of the Chancellor
Graduation Officer in liaison with DGUS (or delegate)
Issue invitations to Occasional Address Speakers and advise acceptances to Graduation Officer
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's Office
Arrange attendance of Occasional Address Speakers and obtain CV's
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's Office
Consult with the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer’s Office regarding arrangements for the conferral of honorary awards, including guest arrangements, parking, catering, and dietary requirements
Graduation Officer
Liaise with honorary degree recipients concerning travel and accommodation arrangements, including taxis and airport transfers
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer’s Office
Prepare Graduand information and emails
Graduation Officer
Coordination of Chancellor'sGraduation Luncheon i.e. venue, invitations, menu
Graduation Officer in liaison with DGUS (or delegate), Vice-Chancellor’s ONLGce, Corporate Communications and Events and the Graduation Event Provider
Select those to introduce and thank Occasional Address Speakers, and those to deliver citations for honorary awards
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Issue invitations to introduce and thank Occasional Address Speakers, and to deliver citations
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Issue invitation to act as Esquire Bedell
Graduation Officer in consultation with DGUS (or delegate)
Advise Chancellor of arrangements for ceremonies including the Sashing Ceremony
DGUS (or delegate/s)
Arrange travel and accommodation as required for the Occasional Address Speakers and any honorary award recipients
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's Office — in liaison with Corporate Communications and Events
Arrange publicity
Graduation Officer, liaising with Corporate Communications and Events
Prepare, check, produce and deliver an order of proceedings and a general brief and provision of these documents to all senior officers of the University with roles and responsibilities in Graduation ceremonies no later than one week prior to the ceremony.
Graduation Officer
Production and provision of the list of names of Graduands eligible to attend each ceremony and who have registered to attend the relevant ceremony. An edited list will be provided on the day of the ceremony which is compiled following closure of registration.
Graduation Officer
Arrange for display of wet weather ceremony directional signage (if required)
Graduation Officer, liaising with EBE and Graduation Event Provider
Arrange for streaming of graduation ceremony to relevant locations (if required for wet weather ceremony)
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Advise on Graduation ceremony protocols
Graduation Officer
Arrange music
Graduation Event Provider
Briefing of Graduands after they have been seated
Graduation Officer and Graduation Event Provider
Provide details of Honorary awardees, and biographies to Graduation Officerfor use in the order of proceedings
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer’s Office
Script, check and print final version of program
Graduation Officer, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer (or delegate) and Corporate Communications and Events
Other Tasks:
Arrange Yeoman Bedell and provide briefing on role
Graduation Officer in liaison with Graduation Event Provider
Arrange for Graduand gown hire
Graduation gown provider in liaison with Graduation Officer,
Arrange for gowns for Council members, VIP guests in the Chancellor Procession, including honorary degree recipients and Esquire Bedell
Graduation Officer in liaison with DGUS (or delegate)
Arrange for gowns for Occasional Address Speakers
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer’s Office in liaison with Graduation Officer, and Graduation Event Provider
Arrange ushers
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Arrange testamur framers
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Arrange catering for Academic and Staff Procession and for Chancellor's Procession participants
Graduation Officer in liaison with Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer’s ONLGce, Corporate Communications and Events and DGUS (or delegate)
Arrange dais photographer for ceremony
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Arrange official portrait photographer
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Arrange Alumni promotion
Arrange to receive official visitors of Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer
Graduation Officer, liaising with Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's Office
Arrange to receive Chancellor's guests
Graduation Officer, liaising with DGUS (or delegate/s)
Arrange seating of Graduands
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Arrange marshaling of Graduands
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Sort and handle testamurs and medals on stage
Graduation Officer
Marshall and organise the Academic and Staff Procession
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Marshall and organise the Chancellor's Procession
Graduation Officer, liaising with Graduation Event Provider
Arrange debriefing session
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (or delegate)
Issue thank you letters to Occasional Address Speakers
Graduation Officer advises Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer’s office.
Issued by Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer