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Yarm Gwanga Excursions Guideline

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Overview

(1) Excursions are a valuable experience for children, families and educators and provide the opportunity to expand and enhance children's experiences, explore different environments and engage in meaningful ways with their communities. Yarm Gwanga is committed to providing excursions that ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of children at all times.

(2) For the purposes of clause 168 (2) (g) of the Education and Care Services National Regulations this Guideline is considered to be the policy and procedure.

(3) These Guidelines satisfy the following National Quality Standards:

  1. Quality Area 1 Educational Program and Practice
    1. Standard 1.1 The educational program enhances each child’s learning and development.
      1. Element 1.1.1 Curriculum decision making contributes to each child's learning and development outcomes in relation to their identity, connection with community, wellbeing, confidence as learners and effectiveness as communicators.
  2. Quality Area 2 Children's Health and Safety
    1. Standard 2.2 Each child is protected.
      1. Element 2.2.1 At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard.
  3. Quality Area 7 Governance and Leadership
    1. Standard 7.1 Governance
      1. Element 7.1.2 Systems are in place to manage risk and enable effective management and operation of a quality service
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Section 2 - Scope

(4) This Guideline applies to all UNE Representatives, children and families, and all visitors to the Yarm Gwanga Services.

(5) This Guideline encompasses all on and off campus excursions and all activities delivered by an external provider at Yarm Gwanga Services.

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Section 3 - Guideline

(6) Yarm Gwanga will take every reasonable precaution to protect children from harm and any hazard likely to cause injury, and will ensure all excursions, or activities delivered by an external provider at the service:

  1. Are an ongoing, valuable part of the service's education and care program;
  2. Are risk assessed in accordance with the Regulations, before authorisation is sought. Yarm Gwanga utilises the ACECQA Excursion Risk Management Plan (Click here for form). A risk assessment must:
    1. identify and assess risks that may impact on the safety, health or wellbeing of any child or adult; and
    2. specify how the identified risks will be managed and minimised.
    3. address:
      1. the proposed activities;
      2. the proposed duration of the excursion;
      3. the proposed route and destination for the excursion;
      4. any water hazards (such as pools, rivers, lakes or beaches);
      5. any risks associated with water-based activities; and
      6. the mode of transport to and from the proposed destination;
      7. the number of educators or other responsible adults that is appropriate to provide supervision and whether any adults with specialised skills are required (e.g. life-saving skills); and
      8. the items that should be taken on the excursion. For all off campus excursions a mobile phone, excursion first aid kit, a child's medication if required, and a list of emergency contact numbers for children must be taken.
  3. Receive written authorisation by a parent or other person authorised in the child's enrolment record for the child to attend. The written authorisation will include:
    1. the child's name;
    2. the reason for the excursion/activity;
    3. the date of the excursion/activity (unless the authorisation is for a regular excursion/activity);
    4. a description of the proposed destination;
    5. the mode of transport to be used;
    6. the proposed experiences to be undertaken;
    7. the period the child will be away from the premises;
    8. the anticipated ratio of educators/adults attending the excursion to the anticipated number of children attending the excursion;
    9. the names of educators and other adults attending the excursion; and
    10. a risk assessment, prepared and made available at the service.
  4. Are attended by at least one educator who holds a current approved first aid qualification and is responsible for the provision of the service's first aid kit.


(7) A risk assessment is not required if the excursion/activity is a regular occurrence and a risk assessment has been conducted within the last 12 months.

(8) Written authorisation is not required if the excursion/activity is a regular occurrence and written authorisation has been obtained within the last 12 months.

Attendance of Family Members

(9) On occasion, family members over the age of 18 years will be requested by an Educator, to participate in excursions. If a parent needs to bring their child's sibling because they cannot find suitable care, the siblings will be included in the ratios.

(10) All family members attending an excursion are under the direction of an Educator and must not make any decisions relating to their own child or any other child without consulting an Educator. Under the direction of an Educator, the family member is responsible for:

  1. the supervision of a specified number of children (in accordance with the risk assessment ratio);
  2. reviewing the risk assessment; and
  3. fulfilling their duty of care towards the children and other participants.

(11) In accordance with the University's Child Protection Policy Yarm Gwanga will require any family member who participates in an excursion to have a NSW Working With Children Check clearance.

Transport and Traffic

(12) Yarm Gwanga will follow all applicable NSW road rules as well as the Kids and Traffic best practice recommendations for transporting young children safely.

(13) Educators will ensure children obey road rules and cross roads at a crossing or lights where available. Educators will remain vigilant to ensure no child runs ahead or lags behind the group.

Conducting the Excursion/Activity

(14) All Educators, children and other adults in attendance will be informed of the timetable/itinerary, special requirements, safety procedures, grouping of children and responsibilities.

Authority and Compliance

(15) The Guideline Administrator, Director UNE Life, makes these Guidelines.

(16) UNE Representatives must observe these Guidelines in relation to University matters.

(17) These Guidelines operate as and from the Effective Date.

(18) Previous Policies/Procedures/Guidelines relating to Yarm Gwanga excursions are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date of this new Guideline.

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Section 4 - Definitions

For the purpose of this Guideline the following definitions apply:

(19) Activity - is a provision that is provided for the children by an external person for a particular purpose at the service.

(20) Duty of care - is the responsibility or duty to take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions that could expose people, for whom there is a responsibility, to a reasonably foreseeable risk of injury. The level of duty of care will vary depending on circumstances.

(21) Excursion - is when the children leaving the service on an outing with a particular purpose.

(22) Visitor - includes, but is not limited to, students on practical placements, volunteers, community members and persons conducting inspections/audits.

(23) Yarm Gwanga refers to both the Yarm Gwanga Preschool & Early Education Centre as well as Yarm Gwanga Vacation Care.