(1) This document has been developed in accordance with: (2) The establishment of Work Groups is defined under WHS P003 Work Health and Safety (WHS) Consultation Protocol. (3) This document serves as the ratified Terms of Reference under which University Work Groups will convene. (4) The University supports the formation and function of Work Health and Safety (WHS) Work Groups to ensure that all staff, students, visitors and contractors have access to adequate representation when it comes to matters relating to health and safety. (5) Unlike Officers of the University, HSRs (as well as Deputies and Nominees) are not personally liable for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith. HSRs are a representative 'voice' only and responsibility for health and safety at the University cannot be delegated or transferred to them beyond the responsibilities imposed upon them in the capacity for which they are employed. (6) WHS Work Groups comprise: (7) In cases where there is (planned or actual) prolonged engagement of contractors, subcontractors, volunteers or others performing duties on behalf of the University, they shall be invited by the HSR or Deputy HSR to attend Work Group meetings for the duration of their tenure. The invitation does not need to be compulsorily accepted; (8) Elections for vacant positions of HSRs and Deputy HSRs will be facilitated by the University on an annual basis. (9) Each elected HSR and Deputy HSR holds office for three years and are eligible for re-election, except in cases where they resign, cease work, or are disqualified as per Section 64 and 65 of the WHS Act 2011. (10) Candidates for election of HSR or Deputy HSR may be self-nominated or nominated by a colleague and in either case will confirm the acceptance of nomination via email to the election coordinator. (11) The position of HSR and Deputy HSRs will be determined by the most number of votes received and the positions allocated accordingly. (12) The positions of HSRs, Deputy HSRs and HSR Nominees must be accepted via email by the title holder. (13) Upon confirmation of the WHS Work Group HSRs, Deputy HSRs and HSR Nominees, a list of these people is published on Safety Hub. (14) Where there is nonattendance at three consecutive WHS Work Group meetings by a HSR, HSR Deputy or HSR Nominee, the WHS Work Group member's role will cease unless the Work Group has resolved to waive the non-attendance rule. A new member may be invited to participate as a regular and committed attendee. Where a HSR or Deputy HSR fails to attend meetings, the work group may request re-election of the role/s. (15) Training, approved by SafeWork NSW (of five days initial and one day refresher, in health and safety), of HSRs and HSR Deputies is offered by the University and will be provided upon request as soon as reasonably practicable to HSRs and their deputies in reasonable circumstances. (16) Work Group meetings are scheduled at least once per two months with the following members to be in attendance: (17) HSR Nominees are typically those who nominated to be elected as a HSR but may include other staff that volunteer and commit to attending work group meetings on a regular basis. (18) Various University specialist staff and external experts may be invited to attend meetings as determined by the attendees at the Work Group meeting but will not have voting rights. (19) Observers are welcome to attend WHS Work Group meetings, provided that permission has been sought and approved by the Chair prior to the meeting. Observers may address the WHS Work Group and answer questions only on the invitation of the Chair. Observers are not entitled to vote. (20) The Chairperson of each WHS work group is the elected HSR. If the Chair is unavailable to act as Chair, they may delegate a Deputy HSR to act in their place. (21) The University is committed to gender equality and, so far as is practicable, it is an objective that the Work Group membership should comprise a balance of genders. (22) The University charges HSRs, HSR Deputies and HSR Nominees with the following duties: (23) The Work Groups will operate as a consultative group for sharing of information and attempts shall be made to rectify any matter tabled. If any item raised, falls outside the authority of the attendees the Work Group will make recommendations directly to the WHS Committee. (24) Work Group meetings shall be scheduled at least once per two months to ensure: (25) An agenda and any accompanying reports will be circulated at least seven working days before each meeting. (26) A quorum is achieved where there is the presence of at least: (27) For its business papers, meetings and otherwise to conduct its business the Work Group and its members may use technology including telephone, video-conferencing, telepresence, email and internet as arranged by the Chair and/or Work Group Secretary. (28) Work Groups will operate as a consultative forum, with the appropriate management representatives delegated the decision maker on all items raised after consultation has been duly exercised. If any item raised, falls outside the authority of the management representatives, the Work Group will make recommendations directly to the WHS Committee. (29) Where the Chair deems that a vote is required to resolve an issue (where recommendations cannot be agreed upon via general consensus, a majority of the attendees must be in favour of a motion for it to be passed (assuming a quorum has been achieved). (30) WHS Work Group meetings are recorded via utilisation of template agenda and minute sheets, provided by the University. These templates include an appendix that specifies the distribution list of the agenda and minutes for each meeting to relevant managers of work group members and/or the WHS Committee (or representative). (31) Minute records are to be circulated to the following people within seven days of the meeting being held to: (32) The Secretary is responsible for ensuring all Work Group meeting agendas, minutes (once confirmed at the following meeting) and reports are recorded in TRIM. (33) Disclosure of business papers, minutes and other information received by the Work Group should be made via the Chair or Secretary to the Work Group. (34) Review of the WHS consultative framework will be included in the scheduled review of the Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS). (35) A Secretary will be appointed by the Chair.WHS OP002 - Terms of Reference - Work Health and Safety (WHS) Work Groups
Section 1 - Overview
Establishment of Work Group
Section 2 - Work Group Membership
In Attendance
Official Attendees
Gender Representative Objectives
Section 3 - Functions of WHS Work Groups
Section 4 - Conduct of Work Group Business
Business Papers
Use of Technology
Records and Reporting
Disclosure of Information
Secretary to Work Group
View Current
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