(1) These Procedures provide guidance and direction in relation to the development of nomination material for consideration by the University of New England's Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee, a Committee of the Council. These Procedures also provide a consistent framework for operationalising administrative actions and notifying recipients of honorary titles and awards. (2) These Procedures relate to honorary titles and awards approved by Council and administered by the University Secretariat, as outlined within Table 1 and Table 2 of the University of New England's Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (3) The procedures apply to all (4) The Director Governance and University Secretary calls for nominations for honorary awards and titles at least twice annually via a UNE Official. (5) The University Secretariat: (6) The relevant Policy Administrator for awards and titles not approved by Council: (7) Formal nominations for the award of Emeritus/Emerita Professor are to be provided via email or in hard copy, to the University Secretariat (secretariat@une.edu.au), for forwarding to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. (8) Nominations are considered to be confidential. Any canvassing or petitioning of support for the nomination, or contact with a nominee to solicit private or public support for a nomination will render that nomination invalid. (9) Nominations for the award of Emeritus/Emerita Professor will be made in accordance with the relevant criteria outlined in the UNE Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. Nominations are to include the following: (10) Nominations supported by the majority at the Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee meeting, will be presented to the Council for approval. (11) Following approval of the nomination or otherwise, the University Secretariat will notify nominators and the successful nominees of the outcome. The Director People and Culture will also be advised of the outcome, in order to make appropriate changes to University records and systems. (12) Successful nominees will receive formal correspondence from the UNE Chancellor, to confirm the award of their title. (13) Following the advice to successful nominees, a UNE Official will be circulated to the University community, to advise them of all new honorary appointments and award recipients. (14) The honorary title will be conferred in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (15) Entitlements associated with the conferral of the honorary title, will be in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (16) The name of the Emeritus/Emerita Professor will be included within the University's list of Emeriti Professors and his/her details will be included in the University's List of Emeriti Professors which is published on the Council webpages. (17) Formal nominations for the award of Distinguished Professor are to be provided via email or in hard copy, to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research (research awards) or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (teaching awards) for forwarding to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. (18) Nominations are considered to be confidential. Any canvassing or petitioning of support for the nomination, or contact with a nominee to solicit private or public support for a nomination will render that nomination invalid. (19) Nominations for the award of Distinguished Professor will be made in accordance with the relevant criteria outlined in the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule: (20) Nominations supported by a majority at the Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee meeting, will be presented to the Council for approval. (21) Following approval of the nomination or otherwise by the Council, the University Secretariat will notify nominators and the successful nominees of the outcome. The Director People and Culture will also be advised of the outcome, in order to make appropriate changes to University records and systems. (22) Successful nominees will receive formal correspondence from the UNE Chancellor, to confirm the award of their title. (23) Following the advice to successful nominees, a UNE Official will be circulated to the University community, to advise them of all new honorary appointments and award recipients. (24) The honorary title will be conferred in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (25) Entitlements associated with the conferral of the honorary title, will be in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (26) The Distinguished Professor and any relevant name associated with the title will be updated on the University's list of Distinguished Professors and his/her details will be included within the staff profiles section of the UNE webpages. (27) Administration associated with the progression of nominations and proposals for the award will be undertaken by People and Culture and recommended to Council via the University's Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee. (28) All recommendations to nominate an individual for the award of an Honorary Doctorate (excepting those submitted by the Chancellor under his/her own discretion) are to be initially discussed with the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. (29) Formal nominations for the award of an Honorary Doctorate are to then be provided via email or in hard copy, to the University Secretariat (secretariat@une.edu.au), for forwarding to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer Office. (30) Nominations for the award of an Honorary Doctorate are considered to be confidential. Any canvassing or petitioning of support for the nomination, or contact with a nominee to solicit private or public support for a nomination, will render that nomination invalid. (31) Nominations for the award of an Honorary Doctorate will be made in accordance with the relevant criteria outlined within the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (32) At the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's discretion, the nomination may go to a Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's Committee for further discussion and advice. (33) Nominations will include the following: (34) Nominations made on the grounds of academic eminence must be signed by at least three Professors of the University. (35) Nominations made on the grounds of distinguished public service to the University and more widely, must be signed by at least three full-time members of the University of New England's Academic or Professional staff or alternatively, by a member of the Council. (36) Nominations supported by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer or those made by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer or Chancellor, will be presented to the Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee for consideration. (37) Nominations supported by the majority at the Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee meeting, will be presented to the Council for approval. (38) Following approval of the nomination or otherwise, the Office of the Secretariat will notify nominators and successful nominees of the outcome. The Director People and Culture will also be advised of the outcome, in order to make appropriate changes to University records and systems. (39) Successful nominees will receive formal correspondence from the UNE Chancellor, to confirm the award of their title. (40) Following the advice to successful nominees, a UNE Official will be circulated to the University community, to advise them of all new honorary appointments and award recipients. (41) The honorary title will be conferred in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (42) Distinguished Fellow awards encompass the award of the Fellow of the University of New England and Distinguished Graduate Fellow of the University of New England. (43) Formal nominations for Distinguished Fellow awards are to be provided via email or in hard copy, to the University Secretariat (secretariat@une.edu.au), for forwarding to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's Office. (44) Nominations for Distinguished Fellow awards are considered to be confidential. Any canvassing or petitioning of support for the nomination, or contact with a nominee to solicit private or public support for a nomination, will render that nomination invalid. (45) Criteria for the award of a Distinguished Fellow are in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (46) Nominations for Distinguished Fellow awards will be made in accordance with the relevant criteria outlined in the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. Nominations are to include the following: (47) Nominations will be forwarded to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's ad hoc Selection Committee for consideration and recommendation to the University's Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee. (48) Nominations supported by the majority at the Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee meeting, will be presented to the Council for approval. (49) Following approval of the nomination or otherwise, the University Secretariat will notify nominators and successful nominees of the outcome. (50) Successful nominees will receive formal correspondence from the UNE Chancellor, to confirm the award of their title. (51) The honorary title will be conferred in accordance with the Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee. (52) The Distinguished Service Medal is the highest award offered to Professional Staff. All recommendations to nominate an individual for a Distinguished Service Medal (excepting those submitted by the Chancellor under his/her own discretion) are to be initially discussed with the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. (53) Formal nominations for Distinguished Service awards are to be provided via email or in hard copy, to the University Secretariat (secretariat@une.edu.au), for forwarding to the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's Office. (54) Nominations for Distinguished Service awards are considered to be confidential. Any canvassing or petitioning of support for the nomination, or contact with a nominee to solicit private or public support for a nomination, will render that nomination invalid. (55) Criteria for the award of a Distinguished Service Medal are in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. Formal nominations for the award of a Distinguished Service Medal are as follows: (56) Nominations for the Distinguished Service Medal must be signed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research or a member of the University's (57) Formal nominations will be provided to the Vice-Chancellor's Committee for discussion and endorsement. (58) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer will refer the proposals he/she deems appropriate, to the Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee, for consideration. (59) Nominations supported by the majority at the Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee meeting, will be presented to the Council for approval. (60) Following approval of the nomination or otherwise, the University Secretariat will notify nominators and successful nominee of the outcome. (61) Successful nominees will receive formal correspondence from the UNE Chancellor, to confirm their impending award of a Distinguished Service Medal. (62) The Award will be conferred in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (63) Criteria for Adjunct, Clinical and Visiting titles, as well as criteria for Honorary Associates, are in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (64) Proposals for the appointment of these titles will be administered by the University's People and Culture, and prepared in accordance with the People and Culture procedures, an associated document to complement the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (65) The University's Honorary Degrees Titles and Tributes Committee does not consider or provide recommendations to Council in relation to the Honorary Awards outlined below. Instead, the nominations for these awards are considered by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, administered by the University Secretariat where appropriate and considered by the selection committee convened by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. (66) Criteria for the Award and information associated with the Award's presentation, is in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (67) Nominations for the Award should include: (68) Recommendations should be provided to the University Secretariat. (69) A selection committee, convened by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer on an ad hoc basis, considers nominations for the Award. (70) Following approval of the nomination or otherwise, the University Secretariat will notify nominators and successful nominees of the outcome. (71) Successful nominees will receive formal correspondence from the UNE Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, to confirm their impending award. (72) Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer Service Awards are as follows: (73) Initial proposals for each of the Awards above, are reviewed and where appropriate, accepted by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. (74) Criteria for the service-related awards above, and information associated with their presentation, is in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (75) Nominations for the Awards should include: (76) Recommendations should be provided to the University Secretariat in either hard copy or by email (secretariat@une.edu.au) for forwarding to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. (77) A selection committee, convened by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer on an ad hoc basis, considers nominations for the Awards. (78) Successful nominees will receive formal correspondence from the UNE Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, to confirm their impending Award. (79) The Award will be presented in accordance with the Honorary Titles and Awards Rule. (80) The Procedure Administrator, the Director Governance and University Secretary, pursuant to the University's Honorary Titles and Awards Rule, makes these Procedures. (81) (82) These Procedures operate as and from the (83) Previous Procedures relating to the University's Emeritus/Emerita Professor Appointments Policy, its Honorary Doctorates Policy and Procedures, the Honorary and Distinguished Awards and Appointments Council Rule and the University's Distinguished Service Medal Policy and Procedures, are replaced and have no further operation from the (84) Terms included in these Procedures are as defined in the University's Honorary Titles and Awards Rule.Honorary Titles and Awards Procedure
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Procedure
Emeritus/Emerita Professor
Distinguished Professor
Honorary Doctorate
Distinguished Fellow
Distinguished Service Medal
Adjunct titles, Clinical titles, Visiting titles and Honorary Associates
Honorary Awards
Process for Distinguished Alumni Award, Rising Star and Alumni Community Awards
Vice-Chancellor's Service Awards
Authority and Compliance
Section 4 - Definitions
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