(1) The University of New England (UNE) values Academic Integrity and aims to foster good scholarship and effective learning. (2) UNE expects fair and honest behaviour in the practice of academic endeavours in all settings. The University does not tolerate dishonesty and impropriety in academic work and imposes strict penalties on any Student found to have acted dishonestly or improperly in assessment processes. (3) This Rule provides the framework for Student Academic Misconduct arising in respect of all coursework programs and units of the University, including coursework components of higher degrees by research, and must be read in conjunction with the Student Coursework Academic Misconduct Procedures that support this Rule. (4) This Rule applies to: (5) Exceptions to this Rule are Students enrolled in the Joint Medical Program (JMP) for whom the JMP Student Academic Misconduct Rule applies. (6) Academic Integrity is the practice of acting fairly, honestly and ethically in academic endeavour. (7) Academic Misconduct is any conduct by which a Student: (8) Academic Misconduct also includes, but is not limited to: (9) Plagiarism is a form of Academic Misconduct and is the use of another person's work without appropriate acknowledgement and includes: (10) It is a mandatory requirement of admission that Students complete the Academic Integrity Module prior to the submission of their first assessment task in their first trimester of enrolment. (11) One or more of the following penalties may be imposed on a Student who is found to have committed Academic Misconduct. These penalties are listed in escalating order of severity: (12) Investigations of complaints of coursework Academic Misconduct must be undertaken in accordance with the Student Coursework Academic Misconduct Procedures. (13) A Student may appeal an Academic Misconduct decision in accordance with the Student Coursework Academic Misconduct Procedures. (14) Electronic records relating to any action or decision made under these Rules must be recorded in accordance with the University Records Management Rule. (15) University Representatives have a responsibility to: (16) Unit Coordinators are responsible for providing Students with advice on appropriate scholarly practice including (either directly or indirectly using web links where applicable): (17) Teaching and Learning Support will: (18) Students have a responsibility to: (19) The Vice-Chancellor, pursuant to Section 29 of the University of New England Act, makes this University Rule. (20) University Representatives and Students must observe it in relation to University matters. (21) The Rule Administrator is authorised to make procedures and guidelines for the operation of this University Rule. The procedures and guidelines must be compatible with the provisions of this Rule. (22) This Rule operates as and from the Effective Date. (23) Previous rules, policies, procedures and guidelines on coursework Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism and related documents are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date of this new Rule. (24) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this University Rule, the Vice-Chancellor may approve an exception to this Rule where the Vice-Chancellor determines the application of the Rule would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the Vice-Chancellor under this clause must be documented in writing and must state the reason for the exception. Applications for an exception shall not be treated as an appeal under clause 13 above. (25) Academic Integrity is defined in clause 6 of this Rule. (26) Academic Misconduct is defined in clauses 7-9 of this Rule. (27) Assessment tasks are compulsory or optional activities or exercises, which have an explicit intent to assess and guide Student progress or learning achievement in a unit of study. Assessment tasks can be designed for diagnostic, formative, summative, evaluative or informative purposes. (28) Effective Date means the day on which this Rule is published or on such later day as may be specified in this Rule. (29) Exclusion or Excluded means a Student, for a fixed period of time, is denied enrolment at the University in a unit and/or a course and/or the University and/or they are excluded from entering the University's premises or any defined part of the University premises or engaging in an activity as a Student. Excluded students do not have an automatic right of re-admission. (30) Expulsion or Expelled means the permanent separation of the Student from the University. (31) Plagiarism is defined in clause 9 of this Rule. (32) Probation means the Student who has received a Reprimand is advised, in writing, that if found guilty of further acts of Academic Misconduct during a specified period not exceeding three years, a specific penalty will be applied. (33) Reprimand means an official warning confirming the fact that a finding of Academic Misconduct has been sustained, issued in writing to the Student coupled with a caution against repeating the conduct. (34) Revocation of Award is the cancellation of a University of New England Award by the University. (35) Rule Administrator is the Vice-Chancellor or Delegate. (36) Student means an Admitted Student or an Enrolled Student, at the relevant time. (37) UNE Act means the University of New England Act 1993 No 68 (NSW). (38) University Representative means a University employee (casual, fixed term and permanent), contractor, agent, appointee, UNE Council member, adjunct, visiting academic and any other person engaged by the University to undertake some activity for or on behalf of the University. It includes corporations and other bodies falling into one or more of these categories. (39) Work Integrated Learning is an activity that integrates academic learning with its application in the workplace.Student Coursework Academic Misconduct Rule
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Rule
Academic Integrity
Academic Misconduct
Academic Integrity Module
Records Management
Authority and Compliance
Section 4 - Definitions
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This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.