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Course and Unit Coordinator Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose and Scope

(1) This Policy outlines the appointment process and key responsibilities of Course Coordinators and Unit Coordinators to support the coordination of courses and units at UNE.

(2) This Policy applies to all UNE Representatives involved in the coordination of courses and units.

(3) Within this Policy:

  1. Part A covers Course Coordinators; and
  2. Part B covers Unit Coordinators.

Part A -  Course Coordinators


(4) Each UNE course is required to have a Course Coordinator.

(5) The Head of School (or delegate) (in consultation with relevant staff such as Discipline Convener, Discipline Lead, Head of Department or School Education Committee Chair or Convener) will seek applications for any vacant Course Coordinator positions through an expression of interest or similar process. The position description for the role will be determined by the Head of School (in consultation with the Executive Dean or delegate) in consideration of the requirements of the particular course. However, the successful applicant must:

  1. be a continuing or fixed term member of academic staff at Level C or above (the Executive Dean can authorise advertisement at Level B or above); and
  2. have capabilities to undertake the responsibilities as outlined in clauses 8-12 of this Policy.

(6) Applications will be assessed by the Head of School (or delegate) and Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning and advice provided to the Executive Dean for consideration (including any budgeting implications) and approval. The Executive Dean's decision is final.

(7) The term of appointment for a Course Coordinator is two years, subject to satisfactory performance of the responsibilities. Course Coordinators are able to apply for consecutive terms.


(8) Course Coordinators have responsibilities in the following domains:

  1. course design;
  2. course management;
  3. course monitoring, renewal and review; and
  4. course leadership and relationship management.

(9) Course design: Course Coordinators are expected to:

  1. work with relevant staff to ensure quality in course design and amendment in accordance with the Course and Unit Design and Approval Policy;
  2. ensure embedding of graduate attributes within course learning outcomes and alignment between course and unit learning outcomes;
  3. work with relevant staff to progress new courses or course amendments through the approval process as outlined in the Course and Unit Design and Approval Policy;
  4. where applicable, work with relevant staff to ensure the course meets and maintains accreditation requirements, and manage accreditation or re-accreditation processes (see Professional Accredication Procedure).

(10) Course management: Course Coordinators are expected to:

  1. make decisions around admissions, credit, concurrent candidature and permission to enrol elsewhere in accordance with the Admission, Credit and Enrolment Policy;
  2. make decisions (except where delegated) in relation to Special Assessment under the Assessment Policy;
  3. make decisions regarding requests for intermission from a course for up to two years in accordance with the General Rules;
  4. make decisions regarding requests to study beyond the normal maximum period of candidature in accordance with the General Rules;
  5. make decisions regarding requests to enrol in units either previously passed or twice-failed or enrol in units in excess of the normal maximum full-time study load in accordance with the General Rules;
  6. make decisions on the application of course rules to individual students;
  7. make decisions regarding student progression in accordance with the Student Support Policy and Procedures;
  8. withdraw a student with failure from a unit or work integrated learning activity on the grounds of unsatisfactory progress or unprofessional conduct in accordance with the Work Integrated Learning Policy;
  9. provide, in consultation with relevant staff, answers to student enquiries about the course or their plan of study; and
  10. manage and coordinate overseas study programs, where applicable.

(11) Course monitoring, renewal and review: Course Coordinators are expected to:

  1. if delegated, assist Head of School with annual monitoring of course and regular course review (including implementation of any course review recommendations) in accordance with the Course and Unit Policy.

(12) Course leadership and relationship management: Course Coordinators are expected to:

  1. lead a collaborative course teaching team to support delivery of course learning outcomes;
  2. monitor and respond to changes in external environments that could impact the course;
  3. liaise with relevant external individuals and bodies, including professional, industry and community groups, on a regular basis to inform course development and amendment;
  4. represent the course at external or internal committees, conferences, meetings or events as required;
  5. liaise with relevant internal individuals and bodies, including the Head of School (or delegate), School Education Committee Chair or Convener, Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning, Education Enterprise, Student Journey and Curriculum and Academic Management, to assist in course design, management, monitoring and review;
  6. assist relevant areas in marketing and promotional activities for the course.

Part B -  Unit Coordinators


(13) Each UNE unit is required to have a Unit Coordinator.

(14) The Head of School or delegate (in consultation with relevant staff such as Course Coordinator, Discipline Convener, Discipline Lead, Head of Department or School Education Committee Chair or Convener) will appoint Unit Coordinators taking into consideration staff availability and expertise (including demonstrated capability to undertake the responsibilities as outlined in clauses 17-21), requirements under sections 3.2.3c and 3.2.4 of the Higher Education Standards Framework, and the unit level and requirements.

(15) Unit Coordinators should be continuing or fixed term members of academic staff at Level B or above, however the following applies:

  1. continuing or fixed term academic staff at Level A or professional staff may be appointed at the discretion of the Head of School if the Head of School considers the staff member has sufficient experience and subject matter expertise to undertake the responsibilities as outlined in clauses 17-21; and
  2. if appropriate continuing or fixed-term staff are not available, the Head of School (or delegate) may seek approval from the Executive Dean (or delegate) to appoint casual academic or professional staff members as Unit Coordinators.

(16) Unit Coordinators are appointed each time the unit is offered. There is no limit to the number of times a staff member can be appointed Unit Coordinator of a particular unit.


(17) Unit Coordinators, have responsibilities in the following domains: 

  1. unit design;
  2. unit management;
  3. unit monitoring and review; and
  4. unit leadership and relationship management.

(18) For accredited courses, the Unit Coordinator must exercise these responsibilities in consultation with the Course Coordinator. Where agreement cannot be reached on decision-making, the relevant Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning will make the final decision.

(19) Unit design: Unit Coordinator are expected to: 

  1. ensure content, assessment and unit learning outcomes are consistent with disciplinary standards and the Course and Unit Policy and Assessment Policy;
  2. work with relevant staff to ensure quality in unit design and amendment in accordance with the Course and Unit Design and Approval Policy;
  3. work with relevant staff to progress new unit or unit amendments through the approval process as outlined in the Course and Unit Design and Approval Policy;
  4. prepare and update unit material, including the unit Learning Management System site, in accordance with the Course and Unit Design and Approval PolicyAssessment Policy and Online Learning Resources Policy;
  5. where relevant, work with relevant staff to meet and maintain accreditation requirements within the unit (see Professional Accreditation Procedure).

(20) Unit management: Unit Coordinators are expected to:

  1. decide on requests to waive co-requisites or pre-requisites for enrolment in a unit;
  2. ensure the delivery of teaching activities within the unit;
  3. design and manage assessment tasks, including administration of extensions, and final unit results in accordance with the Assessment Policy;
  4. make decisions on appeals against unit assessment in accordance with the Assessment Appeals Policy;
  5. provide advice on applications for credit in accordance with the Admission, Credit and Enrolment Policy;
  6. decide on requests for ‘carry forward of marks’ where a student re-enrols in a unit that they have previously commenced in accordance with the Admission, Credit and Enrolment Policy;
  7. promote principles of academic integrity and make reasonable efforts to prevent and detect cases of academic misconduct in the unit. Report all suspected cases of academic misconduct to the Head of School (or nominee) in accordance with the Student Academic Integrity Policy;
  8. make decisions regarding requests to submit work submitted in a previous enrolment in the same or different unit at UNE;
  9. make decisions on non-UNE students’ cross-institutional or exchange enrolment in a unit;
  10. make decisions on request for exemptions from intensive schools in accordance with the Intensive School Procedures;
  11. where identified, assist students at risk of not making satisfactory progress in accordance with the Student Support Policy and Procedures;
  12. provide information around learning environment and timing requirements in accordance with the Timetabling Procedures; and
  13. provide, in consultation with other teaching staff and relevant business areas, timely answers to student enquiries about the unit.

(21) Unit monitoring and review: Unit Coordinators are expected to:

  1. if delegated, assist Head of School with annual monitoring of units and regular review (including implementation of any unit review recommendations) in accordance with the Course and Unit Policy.

(22) Unit leadership and relationship management: Unit Coordinator's are expected to:

  1. where relevant, lead a collaborative unit teaching team to support delivery of teaching activities and unit learning outcomes;
  2. monitor and respond to changes in external environments that could impact the unit;
  3. liaise with relevant external individuals and bodies, including professional, industry and community groups, on a regular basis to inform unit development and amendment;
  4. participate in relevant external or internal conferences, meetings or events as required; and
  5. liaise with relevant internal academic and professional staff, including the Head of School (or delegate), School Education Committee Chair or Convener, Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning, Course Coordinator, Technology and Digital Services, Scheduling, Education Enterprise and Curriculum and Academic Management, for assistance on unit design and management.

(23) Decisions made by Course Coordinators and Unit Coordinators under this Policy are final and there is no appeal mechanism available (unless provided for in a referenced UNE policy).

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Section 2 - Authority and Compliance


(24) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, consistent with the Vice-Chancellor Functions Rule, makes this Policy.

(25) The Executive Principal Education Futures is authorised to make procedures and processes for the effective implementation and operation of this Policy, and to publish as associated documents any tool that will assist with compliance.

(26) The Rule/Policy Administrator for this Policy is the Director Governance and University Secretary who is authorised to make minor administrative updates to this Policy.


(27) UNE Representatives must observe this Policy. 

(28) This Policy is consistent with the provisions of the UNE Academic and English Language Teaching Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-2022.

(29) Records of all decisions made under this Policy by Course and Unit Coordinators must be recorded in a UNE Records Management System (RMS) in accordance with the Records Management Rule.

(30) This Policy operates as and from the Effective Date.

(31) Previous Policies on Course Coordinators are replaced and have no further operation from the Effective Date of this Policy.

(32) Notwithstanding other provisions of this Policy, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may approve an exception to this Policy where the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer determines the application of this policy would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer under this clause must:

  1. be documented in writing;
  2. state the reason for the exception; and
  3. be registered in the approved UNE electronic Records Management System in accordance with the Records Management Rule.
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Section 3 -  Quality Assurance

(33) The implementation of this policy will be supported through:

  1. Heads of School (or delegate) providing guidance and advice to Course Coordinators and Unit Coordinators to assist in fulfilling the responsibilities of their positions.