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Academic Assessment Appeals Policy

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Overview

(1) This policy provides the framework for appeals on academic assessment and its objectives are to ensure that such appeals are dealt with fairly, equitably, reasonably and transparently, while maintaining the academic quality and rigour of the University's assessment processes.

(2) It addresses the regulatory requirements relating to academic assessment appeals established under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 through the Higher Education Standards Framework, and those established under the Educational Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 through the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018(National Code 2018).

(3) The Academic Assessment Appeals Policy must be read in conjunction with the Academic Assessment Appeals Procedures.

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Section 2 - Scope

(4) This policy applies from the date of approval. This policy applies to:

  1. all staff at UNE and all institutions, domestic and international, with which UNE has a partnership arrangement under which UNE accepts responsibility for equity and quality of assessment;
  2. all students enrolled in a coursework unit at UNE and all institutions, domestic and international, with which UNE has a partnership arrangement under which UNE accepts responsibility for equity and quality of assessment;
  3. all programs of study, including higher degree research programs, offered by the University.

(5) The only exception is UNE students enrolled in units with the prefix MEDI in the Joint Medical Program (JMP).

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Section 3 - Policy


(6) Appeals against the results from an academic assessment task will be dealt with promptly and consideration of an appeal must commence within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the appeal.

(7) Staff and students involved in an appeal against an academic assessment outcome must be treated with respect, and must meet confidentiality and privacy requirements.

(8) Appeals against assessment must be managed in accordance with the Academic Assessment Appeals Procedures.

(9) Where an appeal has been lodged against a recommendation/determination that a student's enrolment be terminated, the University must maintain that student's enrolment while the appeal process is ongoing. International students accessing the external appeals process for exclusion for insufficient course progress must have their enrolment maintained until the external process is complete and supports the University's decision.

(10) If the appeal process results in a decision that supports the student, the University will immediately implement any decision and/or correction and preventative action required and will advise the student of the outcome.

(11) Appeals addressed in this policy and the related procedures are related to:

  1. unit assessment;
  2. assessment of practical and/or professional work experience;
  3. the application of locally focused School assessment policies and procedures;
  4. special examinations, special extensions of time, and exclusion for inadequate course progress;
  5. Bachelor with Honours assessment of dissertations/theses; and
  6. results for Graduate Diploma and coursework Master dissertations and theses.


(12) Students are responsible for:

  1. identifying any concerns that they may have with an academic assessment process as soon as possible after receipt of the assessment outcome;
  2. complying with this policy and the related procedures in requesting a review of or appealing the outcomes of academic assessment.

(13) Academic staff are responsible for becoming familiar and complying with this policy and the related procedures.

(14) Head of School are responsible for:

  1. ensuring that staff within their School are aware of this policy and the related procedures;
  2. ensuring compliance with this policy and related procedures within their School;
  3. ensuring that students in their School are adequately notified of the existence of this policy and the related procedures.

(15) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) is responsible for advising relevant Schools and Directorates on complying with and implementing this policy and the related procedures.

(16) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) is responsible for:

  1. overseeing (through the Student Grievance Unit) appeals lodged under this policy and the related procedures;
  2. monitoring implementation of this policy and procedures by the Schools.

Referral to the NSW Ombudsman

(17) Students must be informed that once an appeal has been fully heard, they have a right to lodge a complaint with the NSW Ombudsman.

Records Management

Retention and Disposal of Assessment Material

(18) Student examination scripts should be retained securely by the School until the end of the appeal period, including the period in which an application might be made to the courts or the NSW Ombudsman, after which they should be destroyed, according to privacy guidelines.

(19) Non-examination assessment tasks should be returned to the student in compliance with the Assessment Rule.

Appeal Records

(20) Actions relating to the implementation of this policy must be recorded and lodged in the University's electronic records repository.

Policy Administration


(21) In the event of a conflict between this policy and any School rule, policy or practice, this policy shall take precedence.


(22) Substantive amendments or revisions of this policy must be approved by Academic Board.

Quality Assurance

(23) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) will monitor the effectiveness of this policy and its related procedures and ensure their relevance and currency by:

  1. benchmarking the University's standards with those adopted elsewhere in the tertiary sector, and
  2. the monitoring of information available from the review of records relating to the implementation of this policy and its related procedures.