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Performance Planning Development and Review Procedures

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Section 1 - Overview

This Procedure provides advice on the implementation of the Performance Planning, Development and Review Policy.
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Section 2 - Procedures

(1) The University of New England is committed to enhancing a culture that values and recognises performance. The Performance Planning, and Development Review process (PPDR) is a principal tool in achieving the University's strategic priorities as it links the objectives of UNE, the business units and individual staff.

(2) For further information and to access the user guides for the Online PPDR please go to the Organisational Development website at (click here for web site)


(3) There are six main steps to the Performance Planning, Development and Review (PPDR) Process:

  1. Set work objectives and clarify expectations;
  2. Plan for professional development;
  3. Plan career path;
  4. Implement objectives;
  5. Undertake regular informal feedback; and
  6. Conduct the formal performance and review conversation.

(4) These steps are explained below.

Set work objectives and clarify expectations

(5) All staff should make work plans, identify objectives and clarify role expectations with their supervisor as part of the PPDR process. Clearly defined, measurable objectives are the most effective way to evaluate performance fairly. Planning allows supervisors to understand and support the strengths and aspirations of their staff and provides a mechanism to create strong team outcomes that meet the University's strategic priorities. Please contact Organisational Development at if you need assistance in the development of writing objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPI's).

Plan for professional development

(6) Development activities should be identified as part of the planning process. Through the provision of targeted development, supervisors can ensure staff members have the necessary skills and knowledge required to meet the objectives outlined in the performance plan.

(7) Internal and external development opportunities for employees at UNE will be listed in Web Kiosk, on the Organisational Culture and Development website and listed in a drop down field in the learning and development area of the online PPDR.

Plan career path

(8) The career development component of the online PPDR process is strongly encouraged, enabling staff to be proactive in taking responsibility for their own future. A conversation regarding career development is an important part of the process in order to support the ongoing motivation, growth and retention of staff at UNE.

Implement objectives

(9) The plan developed as part of the PPDR process ensures staff will have clear agreement of objectives to work towards. Implementing objectives includes having an action plan and a task list, understanding any learning and development needs, and regularly reviewing and updating the action plan and task list.

Undertake regular informal feedback

(10) Supervisors should provide regular ongoing feedback to their staff so there are no surprises at the annual performance and review conversation. It is essential that staff know what they are doing well and areas for improvement, on a regular basis. The planning part of the process should be viewed as a working document and referred to regularly.

(11) If circumstances change during the life of the performance plan, a modification may be required. Supervisors should provide feedback and discuss strategies to overcome any problems that may arise. This may include suitable coaching, or further learning and development where appropriate.

Conduct the formal performance and review conversation

(12) Staff should prepare for the formal discussion by:

  1. considering any challenges faced during the year; and
  2. undertaking a self-review of all achievements.

(13) Supervisors should also prepare thoroughly for each discussion. This discussion ensures a common understanding between the staff member and their supervisor.

(14) Feedback given during this discussion should come as no surprise to either the staff member or the supervisor. Effective feedback needs to be given sensitively and be timely, balanced, specific and constructive.

(15) Formal performance and review conversations are an essential element in the creation of an organisational culture which promotes high quality performance and individual acceptance of responsibility and accountability commensurate with the staff member's position and role.

(16) All staff should comply with University Policies and practise use of appropriate interpersonal communication skills and respectful behaviours.

(17) If performance is deemed 'unsatisfactory', unsatisfactory performance provisions can be implemented in accordance with the appropriate enterprise agreement.

Roles and Responsibilities

(18) These roles and responsibilities are explained below:

  1. All staff are responsible for:
    1. Identify actions to achieve objectives in consultation with their supervisors for the foreseeable 12 months in line with UNE, work unit and individual work objectives;
    2. Adopt a cooperative approach to the setting and reviewing of work objectives, including the process of continuous improvement;
    3. Meet regularly with their supervisor to discuss progress towards objectives;
    4. Participate in planned learning and development activities;
    5. Complete a self-review of achievements for the previous 12 months; and
    6. Complete the required Induction and annual refresher courses in the Learning Management System (Moodle) every 12 months.
  2. Supervisors (additional accountabilities):
    1. Work with staff to develop performance plans relevant and appropriate to their position and to ensure alignment of plans with the priorities of the work unit and the University;
    2. Ensure all staff members are informed about the PPDR progress and are provided with the necessary time to complete all requirements;
    3. Provide ongoing constructive feedback and support to staff;
    4. Encourage staff to continue to update and develop their skills;
    5. Ensure staff are treated fairly and equitably in all aspects of the process, avoiding direct and indirect discrimination; and
    6. Ensure staff complete the required Induction and annual refresher courses in the Learning Management System (Moodle) every 12 months.
  3. Head of Cost Centre (additional accountabilities):
    1. Ensure all staff within the Cost Centre who have a supervisory role have attended appropriate development and that relevant knowledge and skills are maintained;
    2. Resolve any issues arising out of the PPDR process within their Cost Centre, unless the issue relates directly to themselves in which case the matter should be referred to their relevant manager; and
    3. Seek advice from the Organisational Development and Culture Manager where agreement cannot be obtained or resolved.
  4. Organisational Development and Culture Unit:
    1. Provide learning and development sessions to all staff and supervisors on using the PPDR system and processes as required;
    2. Monitor, review and report on development needs identified in the PPDR; and
    3. Provide support and advice on the PPDR to staff and supervisors as required.
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Section 3 - Definitions

(19) Cost Centre means the relevant School, Directorate or other business unit.

(20) Enterprise Agreements means the UNE Academic and English Language Teaching Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-2022, the UNE Professional Staff Enterprise Agreement 2019-2022, each as extended or varied from time to time, and is taken to include any agreement that replaces or varies one or more of these documents.

(21) Head of Cost Centre normally means the Head of School or Director (as the case may be) of the relevant School or Directorate. Where it is not appropriate for the Head of School or Director to act, or where the circumstances relate to a position reporting directly to a Senior Executive, the Head of Cost Centre will be taken to mean the relevant Senior Executive. Where the matter relates to a Senior Executive, the Head of Cost Centre will be the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer.

(22) Development Plan documents the professional development, training, industry and/or vocational knowledge development objectives for the PPDR cycle. For each objective, the strategies to achieve the objectives and the resources required are documented.

(23) Objective specifies what needs to be achieved. It is recommended that when defining performance objectives they should be; specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed (SMART Methodology).

(24) Performance Plan documents the performance objectives with associated tasks to be achieved during the PPDR cycle and the performance indicators and timelines for each objective. Performance plans must be developed within the designated workload of the staff member.

(25) Supervisor means the role to whom a position reports to.

(26) Support person means a person who provides emotional support. A support person is not to act as an advocate and should not speak on behalf of the staff member.

(27) Where the word "normally" is used, it means that it is the default position that must be followed unless exceptional circumstances exist that require a departure from the default position, as determined by the Policy Administrator acting reasonably.