(1) Research Institutes and Centres are established for defined periods to achieve the following outcomes: (2) All approved Research Institutes and Centres are expected to establish and maintain a current web presence with a link advised to Research Services (RS). (3) All Research Institutes and Centres, approved under this policy, are bound by the principles set out in the University's Knowledge Assets and Intellectual Property Policy. (4) This policy regulates the establishment, administration, approval and review of Research Institutes and Centres. Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) are not covered by this policy as they are subject to different approval mechanisms under the auspices of the Commonwealth Government. For further information on CRCs, refer to the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. Joint venture Institutes, Units and Centres are also not covered by this policy as their constitution and governance must be negotiated between UNE and the other joint venture partners. Such joint ventures would, however, have a formal reporting line to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (5) Research Institutes are intended to pursue major UNE research initiatives and to be substantially self-funding. The precise funding arrangements and arrangements for the flow of Research Block Funding will be negotiated and agreed between relevant stakeholders as part of the process for formulating the proposal for establishing the Institute. (6) Institutes are managed and evaluated at a University level, with any UNE academic staff, excepting the Director, also reporting to relevant Head of School for the purpose of workload and performance review. Institute staff may be drawn from across (7) It is expected that an Institute will demonstrate success against the following criteria, weighted as appropriate for the strategic objectives of the Institute in the context of the overall UNE Strategic Plan: (8) These criteria, appropriately weighted, will form the basis of any Key Performance Indicators proposed for the Institute. The nature of the funding model to be applied in Criterion (f) can be negotiated with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, in consultation with other relevant stakeholders as well as members of the University (9) Research Centres focus on externally funded research conducted through (10) Centres are managed and evaluated at a (11) It is expected that a Centre will demonstrate success against the following criteria, weighted as appropriate for the strategic objectives of the Centre in the context of the overall UNE Strategic Plan and School strategic objectives: (12) These criteria, appropriately weighted, will form the basis of any Key Performance Indicators proposed for the Centre. (13) All academic staff at UNE report to a Head of School for the purposes of workload and performance reporting, to ensure coordination and the delivery of research-informed teaching. Research secondments to an Institute or Centre do not relieve an academic of their obligations of service, nor their obligations to support or engage in teaching roles for their School. The duration of any research secondment to a Research Institute or Centre for a staff member is subject to negotiation between the Institute or Centre Director and the relevant Head of School for the staff member. (14) The Director of an Institute is a Professor from within UNE and has the same status and administrative delegation as a Head of School on all matters except workload and performance review for UNE staff working into the Institute from Schools. An Institute Director: (15) The Director of a Centre is a senior researcher within a (16) Institutes: proposals should be assembled and submitted as described in the accompanying procedures. The proposal will be reviewed by the Academic Board Research Committee, prior to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor making the final approval decision. (17) Centres: proposals should be assembled and submitted as described in the accompanying procedures. The proposal will be reviewed by the relevant Head of School and if approved, the Head of School will advise the Academic Board Research Committee and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the Centre's approval. (18) Institutes and Centres will submit an annual interim report in accordance with the guidelines set out in the accompanying procedures to facilitate on-going monitoring and recording of achievements. (19) Institutes will be formally reviewed, informed by evidence of performance against nominated performance indicators, every three years, by a Review Committee established by the Academic Board Research Committee. (20) Centres will be reviewed, informed by evidence of performance against nominated performance indicators, within the review and reporting cycle and process for Schools under the Academic Quality Assurance Policy. (21) The relevant review committee shall recommend either that: (22) The only avenue for appeal of committee findings is to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for an Institute within one month of the review committee recommendations, and the decision by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall be final. (23) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor will report to the on any Academic Board decisions made with respect to establishment, modification or disestablishment of a Research Institute or Centre.Governing Research Institutes and Centres Policy
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Policy
Responsibilities of Research Institutes
Responsibilities of Research Centres
Reporting Structures
Performance Review
Actions after Performance Review
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