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Advertising Policy

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Overview

(1) The aim of UNE advertising is to provide information about the diverse offerings and achievements of UNE to its stakeholders and communities, in a way which protects, promotes and enhances our brand and image, and meets enrolment, research, community and partnership goals.

(2) Any information disseminated in a public forum has the potential to negatively impact UNE's image and reputation. Staff members dealing directly or indirectly with the advertising process need to be aware of the way the University may be perceived and represented.

(3) This policy covers a staff member's responsibilities in relation to the production, placement and approval of UNE advertising, which may include print, radio, television and electronic media.

(4) Separate policies exist for communications with the media (see UNE Media Policy) and Staff Recruitment Rule.

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Section 2 - Policy

(5) The advertising procedures are designed to maintain the integrity of the University 'brand' and maximise or enhance the University's image in the public arena.

(6) The production, placement and approval of UNE advertising is the responsibility of the Advertising Coordinator within UNE Marketing.

(7) 'University comment' (as defined in the UNE Media Policy) on UNE policies, offerings and institutional matters in UNE advertising must be first approved by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer or the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's nominated delegate.

(8) Any 'University comment' in UNE advertising must not endorse, either directly or indirectly, any third party entity without the express written consent of the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer; the Executive Director, Business and Administration or the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer's nominated delegate.

(9) UNE content which has been provided to a third party entity for inclusion in non-UNE advertisements, must not be an endorsement of any political campaign, party or candidate.

Responsibilities of Marketing and Public Affairs

(10) UNE Marketing is responsible for the coordination of matters relating to University advertising, ensuring that UNE is represented consistently and cohesively across the various advertising media.

(11) Staff should give UNE Marketing advice of all likely or possible University advertising. This allows for sufficient planning for media assessment and recommendation; cost estimates, artwork production, placement and compliance with quality assurance processes.

(12) Funding availability must be confirmed before proceeding with the placement of any advertisement.


(13) Various levels of staff have specific delegations as held by the Finance to approve funds for marketing activities up to a certain level and therefore the associated costs, including advertising.

(14) All requests to advertise, including the advertising brief, must be submitted to the UNE Marketing with the authorising signatures of the relevant Head of Cost Centre.

Breaches of this Policy

(15) Breaches of this policy which damage UNE's reputation will be dealt with under the University's Misconduct/Serious Misconduct provisions as set out in the relevant University of New England Enterprise Agreements.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(16) Advice should be sought from the Advertising Coordinator, UNE Marketing, before booking any UNE advertising.

(17) All UNE advertisements, bookings, artwork and production requirements are to be directed to the Advertising Coordinator who will have the responsibility to ensure UNE policy, branding guidelines and approval processes are followed.

(18) All non-UNE advertisements, e.g. joint advertising with a non-UNE entity, or a third party advertisement with UNE supplied content are to be directed to the Advertising Coordinator, who will have the responsibility to ensure UNE policy, branding guidelines and approval processes are followed.

(19) 'Advertorial' (a term used by and acknowledged by the advertising industry to mean 'funded editorial') is considered to be a form of advertising. Any advertorial bookings, artwork and production requirements are to be directed to the Advertising Coordinator who will have the responsibility to ensure UNE policy, branding guidelines and approval processes are followed. Editorial content will be governed by the UNE Media Policy.

(20) Where any advertising is part of a public affairs event, launch or announcement (e.g. launch of a new National Centre) advice should be sought from UNE Marketing in order to maximise any publicity and ensure University protocol and policy is adhered to.

(21) Procedural guidelines, and/or management plans, consistent with this policy may be issued by the Chief Marketing Officer, in line with the UNE framework for policies and other instruments.