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(1) This document outlines how the University of New England will manage its health and safety obligations through a documented Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS). (2) The purpose of this document is to: (3) This document has been developed in accordance with: (4) The University is located in Armidale NSW, with an additional 'Future Campus' in Parramatta. There are several UNE owned rural properties that are used in teaching and research. These are Tulimbah, Newholme Field Laboratory, Laureldale Research Station and Kirby Research Station. (5) The University also operates study centres based on TAFE campuses at Coonabarabran, Gunnedah, Inverell, Moree, Narrabri and Tenterfield, and other study centres at Glen Innes Guyra, Tamworth, Taree and Cooma. (6) The UNE WHSMS applies to all locations where the University has direct control of the work environment. (7) This Protocol applies to (8) The Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer is responsible for approving the University's Health and Safety Rule. (9) The University has in place a documented Health and Safety Rule which: (10) The University has procedures for the systematic approach to risk management. (11) Hazard identification is planned via routine inspections and mandated risk assessments for specified activities. Tools are available for the reporting of ad hoc identification of hazards by (12) Hazard registers are maintained for the University which identify activities and services (including those of contractors and suppliers) over which the University has control or influence. The hazard registers are periodically reviewed and enable logging of corrective actions to ensure effective controls are identified and actioned. (13) Hazard identification is facilitated by: (14) The risk assessment methodology utilised by the University is defined and applied consistently in all risk assessment tools within the WHSMS. (15) The Office of the Director Governance and University Secretary is responsible for the implementation of the documented procedures for the compliance management system. This system ensures identification and access to legal and other requirements (such as standards and codes) that are relevant to the WHSMS. (16) The University Compliance Rule and Compliance Procedures are included in the University Policy Register System. (17) Legal and other requirements are communicated to employees through: (18) The University Policy Register and (19) Changes to legal and other requirements are communicated via publication on the CRS as well as email and news bulletins addressed to staff and/or members of the University WHS consultation network. Safety Hub may also be used for this purpose. (20) The CRS is updated whenever there is an identified change to any legal and other requirements applicable to the University's WHSMS. Significant changes to legislation are tabled with the Work Health and Safety Strategic Committee. (21) University-wide WHS objectives and targets are developed and communicated via Human Resource Services, in consultation with the Senior Executive, Work Health and Safety Strategic Committee and Employees through their elected Health and Safety Representative, and are documented. (22) The identification of University WHS objectives and targets consider: (23) Individual Schools and Directorates are responsible for the development and implementation of objectives and targets that support the University-wide objectives and targets, and in response to their particular health and safety requirements. (24) The setting of objectives and targets, as well as how they will be achieved is implemented according to the procedural requirements of the University. Planning and review for the management of WHS is scheduled (regularly) and documented. (25) Management plans for the achievement of objectives and targets include: (26) Senior Executive will identify and provide adequate resources required to implement, maintain and improve the University's WHSMS, including personnel with specialist skills, technology and budgetary allowance. (27) The University has defined, documented and communicated the WHS responsibilities relating to all personnel. (28) WHS responsibilities are reinforced through induction, training, the WHS consultation network and performance review. (29) Contractor WHS responsibility is included in tender and contract documents and in contractor inductions. (30) The Director People and Culture has been assigned responsibility for: (31) The recruitment process of the University ensures that all staff are adequately trained in the specific requirements of the job they are employed to perform as per the specific training level descriptors and skill base specifications for professional, academic and research staff (located in the Professional Staff Enterprise Agreement and the Academic and ELC Teaching Staff Enterprise Agreement respectively) . The training level descriptors and skill base specifications are further supported by the Staff Recruitment Procedures. (32) Additionally, all staff that perform WHS related duties are adequately trained in these functions. (33) University staff are given the opportunity to consult on job specific training requirements as well as WHS training needs via their WHS workgroup and Health and Safety Representative (HSR). (34) The University has procedures to ensure WHS competencies are developed and maintained through training and assessment. The procedures ensure: (35) In addition, University WHS training procedures ensure: (36) The University has documented procedures, agreed to by staff, that outline the University's consultation network. These procedures and associated documents, such as terms of reference for consultative groups, are published on Safety Hub on the UNE web site. (37) (38) HSR's and management representatives are trained to ensure their effective contribution to the consultation network at UNE. (39) Procedures are in place to ensure the communication of the University WHSMS to all stakeholders. (40) Safety Hub is the online portal and part of the UNE web site that publishes the University WHSMS. Other information pertaining to the WHSMS is found in the UNE Policy Register and Compliance Register System (CSR) that is also accessible by (41) Additionally, the following WHS communication strategies are employed by the University: (42) The University has several reporting mechanisms to ensure the relevant and timely sharing of information to facilitate monitoring and improvement in WHS performance. (43) WHS reporting occurs via the following forums/channels: (44) The University has established, implemented and maintains WHS information in electronic form, or in hard copy where necessary. The documented WHSMS defines the core elements for the management of WHS at the University and provides procedures and tools and other resources for its implementation. (45) The University has established, implemented and maintains a procedure for the control of all documents and relevant data required to develop a robust WHSMS. (46) The University will, as a minimum, comply with applicable legislation for the identification of hazards and assessing and controlling risks in the workplace. (47) The University has in place a Risk Management Protocol to ensure that: (48) The University has documented procedures for systematic hazard identification which take into account: (49) The procedures for identifying hazards have been developed according to the University's specific requirements and based upon: (50) The University’s Risk Management Protocol specifies the risk assessment methodology that is applied consistently in all risk assessment tools within the WHSMS, allowing for comparison and prioritisation. (51) This methodology includes the University risk score calculator as well as the Hierarchy of Controls that will be utilised for guidance when determining the control measures to be implemented, according to the established level of risk. (52) The Hierarchy of Control is applied when managing the University's identified WHS risks. This requires adopting the highest ranked control measure that is reasonably practicable from the following order: (53) Hazard identification, risk assessment and control of risk processes are subject to a documented evaluation of effectiveness and are modified as necessary. This evaluation is carried out in accordance with the University's WHS Risk Management Protocol . (54) The Risk Management Protocol is reviewed as per WHS OP001 Document Control Procedure. (55) The University has endeavoured to identify all potential emergency situations and documented procedures for response to prevent and mitigate harm. The Emergency Management Plan (EMP) and associated documents has been developed and includes process for review and revision at scheduled intervals and after the occurrence of such incidents. (56) Testing of the University EMP is included within the procedures. (57) The University has in place procedures for monitoring and measuring the key characteristics of operations and activities that can cause harm. The procedure includes a process for the monitoring and measurement of the WHSMS in terms of: (58) The University has equipment for monitoring and measuring WHS risks that have the potential to cause harm. The equipment is: (59) Records of monitoring and measurement are retained according to University procedures. (60) The University has a documented procedure that identifies situations where staff health monitoring is required (such as industrial hearing loss) and for the implementation of appropriate surveillance systems (such as audiometric screening). This procedure includes assurance that: (61) The University has established, implemented and maintains a procedure for: (62) The WHS Document Controller is responsible for updating relevant areas of the WHSMS that result from incident investigations and corrective and preventive actions. (63) The University has an established and implemented Records Management Rule for the identification, maintenance and disposal of WHS records, including the results of audits and reviews. The procedure ensures that WHS records: (64) All WHS records shall be filed properly in TRIM. (65) The University has developed a WHS Audit procedure that ensures periodic (internal and external) WHS audits are conducted by a competent person. The purpose of the University WHS Audit procedure is to: (66) The WHS Audit procedure includes: (67) The Senior Executive is responsible for reviewing the WHSMS at defined intervals to: (68) People and Culture (HRS) is responsible for: (69) The Director People and Culture as Rule Administrator, pursuant to the University’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Rule, is authorised to make procedures and guidelines for the operation of this University Protocol. The procedures and guidelines must be compatible with the provisions of this Protocol. (70) (71) This Protocol operates as and from the (72) Previous Protocols relating to the University’s Work Health and Safety Management System are replaced and have no further operation from the (73) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this University Protocol, the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer may approve an exception to this Protocol where the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer determines the application of the Protocol would otherwise lead to an unfair, unreasonable or absurd outcome. Approvals by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer under this clause must be documented in writing and must state the reason for the exception. (74) Competent Person means a person who has acquired through training, qualification or experience the knowledge and skills to carry out the task. (75) Safety Hub means the section of the UNE web site, labelled as such, where all WHS related information is published for access by WHS P001 Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) Protocol
Section 1 - Overview
Top of PageSection 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Protocol
WHS Rule
Planning for Hazard Identification and Risk Management
Planning for Legal and Other Requirements
Planning for Objectives and Targets
Planning for WHS Management
Implementation of the WHSMS: Structure and Responsibility
Responsibility and Accountability
Implementation of the WHSMS: Training and Competency
Implementation of the WHSMS: Consultation, Communication and Reporting
Implementation of the WHSMS: Documentation
Implementation of the WHSMS: Document and Data Control
Implementation of the WHSMS: Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control
Hazard Identification
Risk Assessment
Control of Hazards and Risks
Evaluation of the Risk Management Process (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control)
Implementation of the WHSMS: Emergency Preparedness and Response
Measurement and Evaluation: Monitoring and Measurement
Health Surveillance
Measurement and Evaluation: Incident Investigation and Corrective and Preventative Action
Measurement and Evaluation: Record Management
Measurement and Evaluation: WHSMS Audit
Management Review
Authority and Compliance
Section 4 - Definitions Specific to this Protocol